Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Reflections on history project

What did you learn from working on this project?
The most important thing I learnt from this project was teamwork, without it I would not be able to do the project all by myself. I learnt that there are more good and useful information than that of the text book.

What can be improved about the way the project was carried out?
Models could have been made, questions made better and power point slides more appealing.

Reflection on religion & philosophy

1) In a country like Singapore which is multi-religious, what are the possible challenges we might face? How can we overcome these challenges?
Racism in Singapore might occur when people of other race and religion dislike other races and religion. This will lead to conflicts and it usually ends badly.To prevent such things from happening, we need to better understand other religions and races. We need to show our respect and not be rude, insultive and offensive.

2)How was religions & philosophy important to the people of ancient civilisations?
It taught people how to live their life it also influenced the peoples characteristics.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Government andSociety of Ancient Civilisations

The government in ancient civilisations were very efficient. They had ideas to help solve certain problems or crisis that the people were facing, such as a granary to store food which is useful during famine.Their planning was very good, they knew ways in which they could help their city to prosper and grow.

There were many societies in ancient civilisations. Each civilisation had their different ways of grouping their people. Their were grouped according to what occupations they had and what good is it to the people and civilisations.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

History-Indus Valley Civillisation

Summary of the Indus Valley civilization

The Indus Valley Civilization had many features which helped it to grew steadily and prospered for about 1000 years. The efficient government had planned its city well. it provided its people shelter against enemies. It had a complex drainage system and food was stored for future consumption.There were many occupations examples are: priest(carry out religious rituals), craftsmen(create pottery and bronze tools), farmers(produces food) and traders(sell/purchase products from other regions).Seals that were found indicated that the Indus Valley people had a uniform writing system and they used them for trading.